Thanks to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, on May 13th the Senate voted to allow security services like the FBI and DOJ the ability to read Americans’ web browsing and search histories without a search warrant. Here is how to safeguard your own cybersecurity and privacy from the prying eyes of Big Brother.
Read MoreThe Pefect Blogging Tool: The Zagg Rugged Folio Keyboard/Case for iPad
Small, portable laptops--a.k.a netbooks--have been around for years now. The Acer line especially was popular in the beginning of this trend toward the "mobile office" lifestyle. Then along came Apple's iPad. It was the first true consumer tablet to really take off and catch on. The only problem is it lacked a physical keyboard on which to type.
Read MoreThe ScanSnap Evernote Edition Scanner
This thing is amazing. I want one for Christmas!
Coding 101: The NYU-Codecademy Partnership →
Two blocks north of Union Square are the offices of an innovative tech startup. Founded by programmers Zach Sims and Ryan Bubinski, Codecademy offers interactive online instruction in programming languages such as JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python, Ruby on the Rails, and APIs—all at no cost. Recently, they have teamed up with NYU's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development to offer students the chance to learn coding in both a classroom and online environment.
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